Ishmael Beah

Ishmael Beah

Monday, May 23, 2011

Chapter 16 - First Step to Recovery

In Chapter 16, we learned that Ishmael is struggling with trying to recover because of all of the brainwashing and drugs. Since UNICEF has rescued him, he has beat up civilians and has been seeking vengeance. If you were a rehabilitation doctor for UNICEF, how would you deal with Ishmael? How would you help him?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Chapter 15 - UNICEF

UNICEF operates on the ground in over 150 countries and territories to help children survive. It is the world's largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, supports child health and nutrition and provides education. UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations and governments.
1. What role does UNICEF play in Ishmael's life?
2. How do you think UNICEF found him?
3. Is Ishmael happy that UNICEF found him? Why or why not?

Chapter 14 - Killing and Humanity

In Chapter 14, Ishmael is brainwashed and drugged. He finds himself enjoying all of the killing that he is doing. Do you think that Ishmael could ever learn to forgive himself? Do you think that he is an awful human being now that he has killed people?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Chapter 13 - Child Soldiers

Ishmael and his friends were "trained" (for one day) in becoming child soldiers. Name some ways in this chapter that Ishmael has been forced to grow up.

Chapter 12 - Roles in War

Children play many roles in war. Some are involved in direct combat while some serve
as cooks, spies, and messengers. Do you think any role is less dangerous than others? Why? Why not?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Chapter 11 - Not Able To Say Goodbye

In Chapter 11, Ishmael learned from Gasemu that his family has been seen in a nearby village. While on the walk there, Gasemu and the boys make a quick stop on the banana farm. By the time that they reached the village, it was attacked by rebels and Ishmael's family was dead.

"...Some said that it was Gasemu's fault that we didn't get to see our parents. Others said it wasn't, and that if it hadn't been for him, we would all be dead. I didn't care. I wanted to see my family, even if it meant dying with them."

1. Would you blame Gasemu or thank him because you missed the attack? Explain.

2. Would you rather find out that your family died right before you arrived or get there in time and die with them? Explain.

Chapter 10 - Saidu's Death

Although Ishmael encounters death early in his life, Saidu's death was very difficult for all of the boys.

1. Before Saidu dies, Ishmael remembers Saidu saying that parts of him were slowly dying each passing day. Why do you think he says this? Do you think he's right?

2. When Saidu dies, Ishmael and his friends help with the funeral. This is the only funeral that the author chooses to share with us. Why do you think he chose to share this memory with us? What purpose does it serve to the book?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Chapter 9 - Allies and Enemies

Allies - 1. Ishmael and his friends encounter an old man who helps them heal their wounds and blisters on their feet. Would you help the boys? Would you think that the boys were rebels? Would you do anything different if you were the old man?

Enemies - 2. The village leader decides to confiscate Ishmael's sandals so that he has to walk barefoot throughout the jungle and on the hot sand. Why is this worse then just killing him? What would you do if you were Ishmael?

Chapter 8 - The Feared Seven

Chapter eight closes with the image of villagers running fearfully from Ishmael and his friends, believing that the seven boys are rebels.
1. How do they overcome these negative assumptions in the villages that begin to associate the boys' appearance with evil?
2. What lessons could world leaders learn from them about overcoming distrust and the importance of judging others individually rather than as stereotypes?

Monday, April 4, 2011

* Extra Credit *

Make a text - to - self connection from what we have read so far in the book.

- question submitted by Mark

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Chapter 7: All alone in a war

In chapter 7, Ishmael gets separated from his brother and his friends. He walks for days without seeing any humans.
1. How would you feel if you were Ishmael?
2. Predict what you think is going to happen next.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Chapter 6 - Know who your enemy is

"This way we would be safe and avoid causing chaos. This was one of the consequences of the civil war. People stopped trusting each other, and every stranger became an enemy. Even people who knew you became extremely careful about how they related or spoke to you."

If you were Ishmael, how would you feel? How have your thoughts about your friends and community change? What would you do differently now (example, how would you act different on a day to day basis)?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chapter 5 - Initiation and Interrogation

If you were Ishmael and you were forced at gunpoint to watch an old man be shot in the head, what would you do? How would you feel? Use examples and details from the story.

-- question submitted by Volkan

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Chapter 4 - On the run and finding food

In chapter 4, we read that Ishmael and his friends try to survive the rebel attack while returning to Khililou's home. By using visualization, write about what you think the boys are:

1. seeing
2. smelling
3. hearing
4. feeling
5. tasting

* you must discuss all 5 senses in order to get the credit :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Chapter 3 - When are the rebels coming?

Read the following excerpt from the book and answer the question "In a matter of seconds, people started screaming and running in different directions, pushing and trampling on whoever had fallen on the ground. No one had the time to take anything with them. Everyone just ran to save his or her life. Mothers lost their children, whose confused, sad cries coincided with gunshots. Families were separated and left behind everything they had worked for their whole lives..."

Question: Would you take anything with you? What would you be worrying about if you were Ishmael?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Chapter 2: Dreams and Nightmares

Ishmael dreams of pushing a wheel barrel with a dead body inside it. At the end of the dream he realizes that the dead body is him. What is the symbolism of this dream?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Chapter 1: The first sign of war

In the first ten pages, we learn that Ishmael and his friends are in another village when their home village is attacked. Would you go back to your home village after it's been attacked? Keep in mind that you do not know if your family is there or not. What do you think Ishmael and his friends are worried about?

Welcome to the English class blog!

Welcome to the English class blog!

Hello class of 2014!

As you already know, we are reading the book A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah. We would like you to blog daily or as the chapters are assigned. You should blog your thoughts, questions, ideas, opinions, and everything and anything you would like to say about the book and it's literary elements (setting, characters, plot, conflict).

It is expected of you to blog daily and to respond to your peer's blogs as well.

Please have fun with this and remember to remain RESPECTFUL!!!

By blogging, you are meeting the English 2 standard for "proper use of technology in the classroom" and "can complete homework assignments". You can receive a P or an HP.

-Mrs. Clemenza, Mr. Canick and Ms. Voros