Ishmael Beah

Ishmael Beah

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Chapter 15 - UNICEF

UNICEF operates on the ground in over 150 countries and territories to help children survive. It is the world's largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, supports child health and nutrition and provides education. UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations and governments.
1. What role does UNICEF play in Ishmael's life?
2. How do you think UNICEF found him?
3. Is Ishmael happy that UNICEF found him? Why or why not?


  1. 1. They "save" him from a life of violence and probably a young death.
    2. Through birth records and the home he was sent to()to be rehabilitated.
    3. Initially, no because he feels he has to fight in order to stay alive.

  2. i think the role of UNICEF plays as Ishmael's family in the war. i think the UNICEF found him because they him to be better man or a destructive soldier. i don't know???. i think he is happy?

  3. 1-it's helping him to stop taking drugs and to be healthy
    2-they found him on the floor in pain
    3-no he is not because he cant take drugs any more

  4. UNICEF plays a role in Ishmael's life by saving him from being a child soldier who kills all these people by force.

    UNICEF went to the military base to get those child soldiers who were being forced to kill people.

    I think Ishmael is happy and unhappy that UNICEF found him. He is happy because he is not a child soldier any more. And unhappy because he had the sensation to have even more drugs. Also he is scared to start a new life. In conclusion I don't know what his feelings are.

  5. 1). UNICEF wants him to get out of the war.
    2). I think that UNICEF found him by Ismael wasn't walking with the Sierra Leon's Army.
    3). Maybe because he was safe with the Sierra Leon's Army and his AK-47. Now since UNICEF found him they don't know if there will be a fight between Sierra Leon's Army & the rebels and this might hurt Ishmael.

  6. It should play a big role in his life because there trying to help and get him off the drugs and change his mind set of killing. The leader probably told UNICEF to come get the kids so they can have a better life or they probably have already done there duty for the leader. He is not happy he wanted to stay and kill more because he got so used to being a killer that now thats all he thinks about and he doesn't have his drugs so that made him even more mad.

  7. 1 i think that they help him to overcome his brainwashing and help be humane

    2 i think that they just randomly picked him

    3 at first he unhappy they found him because he wanted to fight against the rebels but then he realizes that he was crazy

  8. 1.They help with Ismael's reintegration to society.
    2.They found him because they are looking of boy solder.
    3.Ismael is not happy because he need drug and violent.

  9. They help him get over drugs and war.
    They caught his squad.
    I don't he is because he needs his drugs and violence.

  10. Christen MalevskiMay 20, 2011 at 9:40 AM

    1. I think UNICEF is helping him out more than he thinks. Ishmael doesn't realize that if it wasn't for UNICEF, he could have died of an infection or could have been seriously ill.
    2. I think UNICEF found him by being partnered with the government of Sierre Leone or where ever he is now, and looking for where the population growth of children in the military are.
    3. I don't think he's happy because he no longer wants to be saved. I think he's being stubborn, because he's gotten so used to the military lifestyle that he no longer cares about anyone else. I think he thinks that he can help himself and doesn't need anybody else.

  11. 1) UNICEF is helping him rehabilitate from drug abuse and also mental health.
    2) They probably went around looking for army bases with the help of the Sierre Leone government and tried to take as many boy's as they could.
    3) He is not happy now because he is suffering from withdrawl of drugs and is also in a strange situation because he is not used to taking orders from civilians.

  12. 1. there many types of help one can get and i think he got the help he needed and even more because hes so lucky hes still not dead after so long.
    2.i think the UNICEF found him because ishmael was working with the government so they had him in records and they saw he needed help. 1st i think hes not happy because he lost hes family and its been a long journey he feels lost and wouldnt know where to start over from and although he lost everything he cared about if he forgave himself and realize that this wasnt the end of hes journey and tried to move foward step by step he'll see theres more out there.

  13. They help him to get back on his feet physically and emotionally that was caused by the war and the drugs.

    They found him by looking were he was going to be placed to start his rehabilitation.

    i think he is not happy with them because he's not used to having someone that care's about him and he can not take drugs anymore, and the eased his emotional pain.

  14. 1. they help kids that are in a problem and other states that need help.
    2. they realized what was happening in other countrries. at first because he wanted to fight. then he met the nurse and shes slowly changing his mind.

  15. 1. The role that the UNICEF plays in Ishmael's life is that help take care of him and probably improved him health since the war.
    2. I think the UNICEF found him through the government because he was fighting on their side during the civil war or something else.I dont really know.
    3. I don't think he's happy probably because he doesn't want to be saved anymore. But later in the book he will grow to appreciate them for all they have done for him and his so called "friends".

  16. 1. Unicef plays a role in Ishmael's life by helping him to rehabilitate and learn that it's not his fault.
    2. I think Unicef found him as a spoil of war and the corrupt nature of his situation.
    3. I think Ishmael is unhappy now because he just started his rehabilitation and he's still sorta addicted to drugs and used to killing people.

  17. I think UNICEF represent HOPE to Ishmael.
    I think UNICEF found him by using government assistance.
    No, He is not happy when UNICEF found him,he lost everything in his life all he knows is killing.

  18. 1. UNICEFF stops his life of drugs, death, and sin.
    2. They probably located him through documents and birth records.
    3. At first Ishmael is pissed off that he was taken away from his soldier "family" but in time he comes to accept and appreciate why thay did that.

  19. 1-UNICEF helps Ismael escape the war.
    2-I think they found him because they were looking out for child soldiers to help them get rehabilitated.
    3-I don't think he's happy because he lost hope in ever living a better lifestyle and he got used to living as a young soldier that he doesn't want or trust anyone to help him.

  20. 1. UNICEF helps Ishmaels recovery from the drugs and from what he saw when he was a soldier.

    2. UNICEF probably found out about what happened to the soldiers so theyn decided to come and try to aid some drug addicted soldiers.

    3. I thing UNICEF is showing that he dosen't want to be helped but in heart he wants to be helped. He wants to be helped from his drug addictions and wants to get his child hood back, play rap songs, ETC.

  21. 1. They "save" him from the war even though he still wanted to stay and fight.
    2. the government probably got caught using child soldiers to fight their battles and UNICEF
    convinced them to give them some soldiers.
    3.Ismael is not happy because he needs drugs and violence.

  22. 1. Unicef helped ishmael get out of the war he was in.
    2. i think they found him because they knew he was part of the war as a child.
    3.I dont think he is happy

  23. Yasserlandia VargasJune 15, 2011 at 11:41 AM

    1)UNICEF made Ishmael return to the possible process of earning a good life.
    2)The UNICEF didn't found Ishmael; the solders that keep him were with him; gave Ismael in to the foundation.
    3)Ishmael does not think it is something good to find himself in a rehabilitation process but i am almost sure that he will some day.

  24. 1. The UNICEF helps Ishmael escape the war and they help him by changing him back to his not violent and angry self.
    2. Since Ishmael was working for the government, the UNICEF probably found his records there.
    3. He's not happy that they found him because now he can't take drugs anymore and he can't make a difference in the war.
