Ishmael Beah

Ishmael Beah

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Chapter 14 - Killing and Humanity

In Chapter 14, Ishmael is brainwashed and drugged. He finds himself enjoying all of the killing that he is doing. Do you think that Ishmael could ever learn to forgive himself? Do you think that he is an awful human being now that he has killed people?


  1. I think he might forgive himself and not forgive him self. He might think that by killing them their country will be n more peace and he had taken the revenge for who he was on that time and for killing his family. He was doing his job as it should be because he was working as a soldier and he was helping his country,

  2. I think Ishmael would not forgive himself, but that was what UNICEF tried to do and help him.
    It wasn't his fault he was drugged and brainwash, he didn't know what to do to protect himself all he tried to do was to protect himself from getting killed.

  3. i think he can but it is going to take so time.
    and he is no a awful human being

  4. No, because it wasn't a personal choice he made, it was either kill or be killed.

  5. i think that Ishmael can forgive give himself for killing many people. I think that Ishmael is a awful person because he was brainwashed and drugged, he didn't know any better.

  6. I belive that Ishmael can forgive himself he just have to get in the right state of mind and to me Ishmael is still the sdame person but he just has to find himself and i think he is still a regular human being he just have to remember who he is.

  7. I think he can't forgive himself because by pulling the trigger he was taking other people's lives and making children orphans or families distraught.Also he knew that it was under the influence of the drugs and being brainwashed that he did this in the first place, so in a way he could forgive himself for even thinking of killing in the first place.

    No I don't think he is an awful human being because he was under the influence of the drugs and he was forced in this situation.

  8. I think Ismael can learn to forgive himself by going to rehab and eventually move somewhere that has less war activity. Ishmael should not do drugs himself. I'm not sure because at first Ismael didn't kill people then the military recruited him and he did killing to survive the war.

  9. i think that he have to forgive him self because if he was on drugs and that he has to fight to his life.
    no he is not awful because he was a kid that cant stop taking drugs.

  10. Ummm, I think he can learn to forgive himself but it would take some time and healing. I don't think so because he's being brain washed so he can be blamed also he's young so he wants to be like the leader.

  11. i think that he could forgive himself but i don think he will ever forget the things he saw

  12. Yes, I think he can learn to forgive himself because he was forced to turn into a child soldier.

  13. Christen MalevskiMay 20, 2011 at 9:44 AM

    I think Ishmael is capable of forgiving himself, but I just don't think he's going to. I think he's just going to be selfish and act like nothing matters anymore. Even though, inside it might affect him more than he thinks.
    I don't think he's an awful human being, because just like the summary says, he was brainwashed and drugged, and not all of it is his fault.

  14. I think he could learn to forgive himself if he realizes that it wasn't his fault.The war is a very traumatizing experience for him to go through at such a young age, especially without his family.This is also why I don't think of him as an awful human being and why i dont blame him.

  15. I think he can learn to forgive himself once he realizes that it's not his fault he was forced to kill people. He is not an awful human being it wasn't his fault

  16. he is doing a wrong and well its a addiction you make a mistake once and you get use to it and cant do much until you get help, it would be hard but i think ishamel would forgive himself one day all he needs to do is get help and its hard its an addiction as said before and its something you can cure and get rid of

  17. I think that he will forgive him self and i he not a bad person for killing people because in away he was no really there mental because he was drugged and brainwashed.

  18. Yes! I think Ishmael can forgive himself because it really wasn't his fault.
    No. I don't think he is a awful human being it wasn't really him, well it was but mostly the drugs and brainwashing made him do this.

  19. Yes I think Ismael could learn to forgive himself because it wasn't his fault that he was killing and no I don't think Ishmael is an awful human being I think the people who influenced him and taught him to kill are awful human beings.

  20. I think Ishmael does forgive himself. He was forced to kill people for fun because he didn't want to be seen as abnormal to the fellow soldiers but I bet in heart hen never wanted to do these un human acts. He was also on drugs so he probably didn't know what he was doing at the time.

  21. I belive that he will forgive himself it's not his fault at all. i dont think he is an awful person he is only a child, the people who did this to him are awful they influenced a child to kill people take drugs and not listen to anyone.

  22. i think he can but then again he cant because he killed all those people under the influence of drugs. I dont think he is an awful human being.

  23. I do think that in time, Ishmael wil forgive himself and accept what he has done. It would proably be hard for him to put it in the back of his monday. I don't think that he's a horrible person, he had no other choice.

  24. Yasserlandia VaragsJune 15, 2011 at 11:31 AM

    I believe that after Ishmael grows up and realize that he was drug and brainwash he will understand that he was choosing to kill or to die while he was under presure. I do not believe that he is a awful person but I do believe that he will have to live with his sad painful memories from the war.

  25. I don't think that Ishmael is an awful human being because he would have never killed anyone but he was being influenced by drugs and the lieutenant. He should learn to forgive himself since it wasn't his fault it was the people who made him take drugs and forced him to kill people.
