Ishmael Beah

Ishmael Beah

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Chapter 11 - Not Able To Say Goodbye

In Chapter 11, Ishmael learned from Gasemu that his family has been seen in a nearby village. While on the walk there, Gasemu and the boys make a quick stop on the banana farm. By the time that they reached the village, it was attacked by rebels and Ishmael's family was dead.

"...Some said that it was Gasemu's fault that we didn't get to see our parents. Others said it wasn't, and that if it hadn't been for him, we would all be dead. I didn't care. I wanted to see my family, even if it meant dying with them."

1. Would you blame Gasemu or thank him because you missed the attack? Explain.

2. Would you rather find out that your family died right before you arrived or get there in time and die with them? Explain.


  1. 1. I don't think I would be able to say anything, for I would both be stunned and hurt. But in all, I wouldn't blame Gasemu.

    2. I would rather find out they died, then have died with them because if I knew who killed them, I would try and take revenge.

  2. Yes I would blame Gasemu because I missed the attack and may be he were knew where was my family.

    I would prefer get there in time and die with them because I went all around the country or state to find out if my family was alive.

  3. This is a really hard situation it's one thi8ng to say what you would do but when your in this particular moment. it's a hard decision and i honestly would of wanted to be alive.For the second question i honestly can't answer it; it's a real tough decision.

  4. sometimes i don't want to say goodbye, but i have to say it

  5. I would rather not thanking him or breming him because if he woulkd tell us we mite die and if he would not tell us

  6. 1. I would not blame him because it let me live another day but still i would miss them

    2. When i get there because at least i can respect them a burry them and see them one last time.

  7. i would want to be with my family but also knowone would want to die and i also would have blammed Gasemu because if he didnt stop them he would atleast seen his family

  8. I would thank him because at least I would survive and share my experiences with the next generation.

    I would rather find out that my family died right before I arrive because, I sure my family would want me to survive and continue with life not die with them.

  9. MICHELLE DEARCE =)May 8, 2011 at 2:29 PM

    1.I would not blame him it was not his falt it is not like he planed it it was bound to happen.
    like i said it was not his falt but i will still be upset with him.

    2. i would want to die with them so i can get out of all that drama

  10. i say i would thank him because i still had a chance to live but also blame him because i could f died with my parents. i would wat to find out they died because i have another chance to live.

  11. 1). I thank Gasemu because he try to protect if was like a family. Gasemu was strong to say it than hearing rumors and to be mat Gasemu. The attack would being flashback.
    2). No because the solders and the group would try back me. Then at the end I'll hear a few word. When I sheep it bring nightmares.

  12. i think i would scream at gasemu because i would just be so hurt and upset i wouldn't be able to think to do anything else.

    i would want to die with my family. i think i would be happy to not go on with them then to go on without them.

  13. 1. I actually don't know what i will do, but i think that i will do the both, i will thank him for saving our life and some part of me will blame him for holding me with him. i don't know what i will feel on that time.
    2. I would die with my family, then seeing them die i front of me and i couldn't do anything. i will hate myself for not saving them on time, when i knew that they had been attack and will be killed in no time.

  14. 1. Honestly,I wouldn't know what to do because I would just be like so surprised that the attack happen so suddenly. I would just be like so shocked..

    2. Honestly.This is a hard question! I wouldn't know what to do.I would just be so confused and ask myself why is this happening and why now?.

  15. stephen calderonMay 9, 2011 at 7:04 AM

    1. I don't think I would be able to say anything, for I would both be stunned and hurt. But in all, I wouldn't blame Gasemu.

    2. I would rather find out they died, then have died with them because if I knew who killed them, I would try and take revenge.

  16. I would not attack Gasemu If I'm in that situation, because he was the one who tried to help Ishmael. when Ishmael said "I would want to die with my family." I think that wasn't what their parents wanted. Their parents wanted him to survive.

  17. 1. It wasn't his fault it happened it wasn't really planned.

    2. I would rather them die when I'm there so I can say my very last words.

  18. christy Maria Cassandra HernandezMay 9, 2011 at 2:30 PM

    1. i wouldn't know what to do because everything would be a complete shock for me, everything would be happening to fast, i would be thinking about my survival more than anything.
    2. i would chose to die with my family, my family is over everything in my life, if my parents were dead i would kill myself because there the people who made me who i am.

  19. I would thank him but then get angry with him because we could've went quickly run away
    I would die with my family because i wouldn't want to see them die without seeing them i would see them while the moments last then die with them

  20. 1. i wouldn't blame gasamu for holding us back. he didn't know what was going to happened, but i would have prefer to die with my family, i would have looked at it as a reunion and it just be over.
    2.i would rather have die with them <3 they my family and no matter what i love them till death <3

  21. I think I wouldn't attack Gasemu, because he was trying to help Ishamel it wasn't his fault.
    When Ishamel said "I would want to die with my family" I think that wasn't what their parents wanted. Their parents wanted him to survive.

  22. 1. i would thank him for getting there late but i would still want to my parents.
    2. i would rather find out right there and then because i would want to find out eventually.

  23. I would rather find out when I got there and be able to see them and yes, I owuld blame him because he was the one who made me miss my parents and familys death. :(

  24. 1.i think he save the boys life with out knowing
    2.honestly i don't know what ever happen will happen.

  25. 1. I would feel hurt, angry, and upset because they died and I didn't have the chance to help them or speak to them one last time. But, I don't think I would blame Gasemu.

    2. I would want to die with them because at a time of war without my family, I would feel competely lost and alone in the world. I wouldn't be able to handle loosing them along with the stress of the war.

  26. not because it was the rebels that kill they family. and if they will get on time the rebels will kill every one.

    i would like to died with then. because they my family

  27. 1)I wouldnt say anything, i would probably be shocked at what happened.
    2)i would rather die with them because at least i was with my family at their last moments

  28. At first i KNOW i would blame Gasemu for not getting there in time but i would forgive and thank him for "saving" us.
    I honestly dont know whether or not i would want to die with them. It would take me a while to figure that out.

  29. 1. There is no one to blame in a time like that. He didn't know the rebels were attacking so they shouldn't hold them responsible.
    2. I would like to see my family before they died even if I died with them.

  30. i would feel bad bad but still wont hurt or blame any one.

    i will rather to be with them and fight until death with them.

  31. 1 i would not say anything because i would to traamutized
    2 i would not want to die but i think it wouldnt realy matter since i would hate the rebels

  32. 1. i would thank gasemu because i would still be alive and would still be living .

    2. i would rather find out because i would want to live and make my family proud

  33. 1. I would be mad at him, but I know it wouldn't be his fault.

    2. I would rather find out about it, because I would know that if they could decide they'd want me to live.

  34. i wouldnt be mad at him because it wasnt hes fault, one way or another the rebels was going to attack the town and its something i could avoid.
    i think it doesnt matter if i was ther or not if that was destiny then i should accept it i cant control faith and if i did had a chance to make a difference i would take it

  35. 1. I would blame Gasenu for not letting me go see my family in time.
    2. I would rather die with my family because later on things might get tougher and what if I had died protecting my family and letting them flee to a safer place.

  36. I would thank him and blame him because I would really want to see my family one last time before me or them died but I would be thankful that I lived.

    I would want to find out about it because even though I will never see them again since they were burnt to ash, I would still like to live and I would know that at least we were close to being reunited.

  37. I wouldn't blame him if we arrive after the rebels because he did not know what happen and when, he cant predict the future but I would be mad.

    I would live on because there memory will live with me.

  38. Yasserlandia VaragsJune 15, 2011 at 11:15 AM

    1)Between so much pain I wouldn't say exactly what I would have perfer. Since I am not, I think i would have thank Gasemu for not letting me get close to the place while the attack and so then I could get a chance to kill those who have caused so much pain to me, my family and my country.
    2)I would have at least perfered to arrive right when the rebul were walking away so I am able to die with my family but defend myself.

  39. I would thank him but i cant live with out my family

    I would like to take my last moment of life with them they did help me out thought life so i would like to try to save there life or die with them but at least i got to take my last breath with them
