Ishmael Beah

Ishmael Beah

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Chapter 10 - Saidu's Death

Although Ishmael encounters death early in his life, Saidu's death was very difficult for all of the boys.

1. Before Saidu dies, Ishmael remembers Saidu saying that parts of him were slowly dying each passing day. Why do you think he says this? Do you think he's right?

2. When Saidu dies, Ishmael and his friends help with the funeral. This is the only funeral that the author chooses to share with us. Why do you think he chose to share this memory with us? What purpose does it serve to the book?


  1. 1. I think Saidu was right and might have been aware that something was wrong, but didn't want to alarm the rest of the boys.

    2. Everybody stuck together, it was like a family even though they had started out strangers. I think the author choose this memory because it effected all of the boys. It gives people a view of what a funeral was like during the war.

  2. I think he says this he knew that he is going to die, but he didn´t know when or where he is going to die so he said that parts of him were slowly dying each passing day. Yes I think he´s right.

    I think the author chose to share this memory with us is so we don´t forgot and even in a war you could a funeral toa people you respect.the purpose does it serve to the book so we remember in the entired book.

  3. i think he means ishmel is slowly turing into a rebal day by day

    i will have to do this with u

  4. I think what saidu meant by that is that many people friends. family and loved one are dying so while the day goes by he feels that he's dying slowly in his heart. He chooses this memory becuase saidu was really a close, dear friend and they will probably never forget their close friend dying.

  5. if i was ishmeal, i would be crying about saidu's death but i need to be happy because saidu will be in a better place

  6. I think saidu is right when he said part of him were slowly dying each passing day.i think cause of that he know he was dying ishmael share this memorie maybe cause he was he best friend.

  7. 1. i think he saids that because Ishmael is become less livey in his conversations and actions.

    2.because Ishmael and the boys are older now and since the death total is high its like very one is dying so they might think there going to die very soon.

  8. i think that when Saidu said that phrase that it was true,because someone can almost feel when him/her is dieing. And so he must have felt it was almost his time to go.

  9. I think that he meant that physical and emotional parts of his being was slowly dying. Yes he's right because Saidu dies in his sleep.
    I think that Saidu was to represent how most of the boys died and how they took responsibility of the funeral.

  10. 1.yes because they dont know if there going to die from the rebles or die from hunger. he says it because he is still a little boy and he is not use to all of this so he is getting depressed also.

    2. that was his bestfriend and it shows he cares and still knows he is a kid but he has to grow up fast. it was the only memory because he has so many but this one ment alot because he was his best friend.

  11. Maybe because he felt his body parts were dying. i think if he thinks his body is dying then he will set his mind to him dying.i think this is the only funeral that the author talks about in this book because this funeral is very important to the autors life.

  12. 1). Yes because I'll always remember who he was before his death.
    2). Ismael want to keep it secret because it might be less important for us the readers.

  13. i think he said this because he felt not only his brain shutting down but his body and heart shutting down as well.

    i think he only includes this funeral in the book because it is the only one that is of real importance.

  14. 1. When Saidu told Ishmeal that parts of him were slowly dying each passing day, i think he said that because he knew that he i snot going to live in this world much longer. I think he was right because people can know when their time comes to very end.
    2. When Saidu died, Ishmael and his friends help with the funeral. i think they only tell us about his friend funerals, because they cared about him, he was their friend and where he died, there was people who helped them and set everything for his funerals. the village people were so kind to them.

  15. 1. I think Saidu says this because there was no happiness and the town wasn't as lively as it use to be and there is like to much going on while like they are still so young. I think he might be right.

    2.I think Ishmael (the author) chooses to share this memory with his because probably over the course of time he had probably grown more closer to Saidu because the war and just like everything that's going on. The purpose that it serves in the book is that it shows readers how emotional it was to lose like someone your were close to or getting close over the crap that' s being going our them.

  16. stephen calderonMay 9, 2011 at 7:05 AM

    I think that he meant that physical and emotional parts of his being was slowly dying. Yes he's right because Saidu dies in his sleep.
    I think that Saidu was to represent how most of the boys died and how they took responsibility of the funeral.

  17. 1) i thinkk that he just thought that he was making his own body tired, not tht he was really dying.
    2) to show that humans still have hospitality and that war can still have some normal moments behind it.

  18. 1. I think Saidu was right and might have been trying to send something

    2. Everybody was together and helped eachother

  19. 1. He says that parts of him dies everyday because he has gotten to the point where there is no hope and no point trying anymore.

    2. Well the author choose this one because that was Ishmael bestfriend and it shows like Mawa Ballo said "probably over the course of time he had probably grown more closer to Saidu because the war and just like everything that's going on. "

  20. Christy Maria Cassandra HernandezMay 9, 2011 at 2:19 PM

    1. I think Saidu was right , i think he might have had a feeling that something was wrong, but he didnt want to scare any other of the boys.

    2. Everybody stuck together because there wasnt anything else to do, even if no one knew each other that well they all stuck together. The author chose this memory because it probably stuck out the most in his mind. It

  21. maybe he feeled that he will die and he was right and died.

    so they can show us how much they love each oter

  22. Each day fear over took him and he couldn't take it anymore he was so scared that he just wanted to give up.
    His friend died and it is a turning point for him because slowly inside anger starts to build up replacing the fear.

  23. i think that Saidu said that cause he felt like he couldn't hold on any longer and that it was too much for him.
    I think that the author only share Saidu's funeral cause he was very close to Ishmaels also cause the way that it occurred it wasn't coming it just happened.

  24. Saidu said that he's dying each day because inside him he was losing hope, and he didn't know the purpose of living.

    I think the author chose to share this memory because he wanted some people to remember Saidu, proving that he was once alive.

  25. 1. i think he was right because its hard to handle any thing in such a horrible way in a young age.
    2. i think they were close friends and were the only family to each other.

  26. 1i think he says that because of the situation
    2 i think ismael like the that we know that really happen.

  27. I think that he is slowly losing feeling as to emotions in this war because if he gets emotional, his mad will get all jumbled up.

  28. 1.I think that saidu know that death was after him
    2.I think the saidu was a really important friend of Isamail.

  29. 1. I think he said that because he knew he was dieing and that his time was coming. I also think a part of him said it because he was loosing hope and basically giving up.

    2. I think the author showed the funeral because Saidu was someone special to the boys, and Saidu's death affected them all.

  30. I think that Saidu said he was dieing each day because he was slowly going insane with everything that was going on. He probably couldn't handle it. Especially with the major loss of blood.
    I think that only Saidu's funeral was talked about because it was one of the only funerals they could actually preform with the real body.

  31. 1. I believe him because being on a journey to nowhere for that long must be hell so I wouldn't be surprised if he was telling the truth.
    2. Because they were good friends and this really emphasizes the struggle they went through.

  32. 1.I think he meant he was dying inside slowly. With each passing day a piece of himself dies off.

    2.Because it's something that stayed in the author's mind, and it's something that helped him stay human during this all.

  33. i think that since he saw the war so much that he was losing his humanity and all that kept him going was that his body was in a good state.

    and i think the author saw so much death that he didant view death so strongly like others.however saidu is the most important for him

  34. i think he said he felt like he was dying because of everything that has happened, he was weak or he felt like he couldnt go on no more. i would feel the same because its been a long journey to survive each day!
    i think the author shares this funeral and describes it because saidu wasnt just a friend then been through so much and everybody cared for him they were to close and the author wanted to show how it felt to lose someone close

  35. 1. I think that Saidu meant that everyday he became sadder and sadder and he didn't feel alive anymore.
    2. I think Ismael only mention's his funeral because Saidu was his closest freind.

  36. 1. I think Saudi said part of him is dying because he felt as if his death was coming soon. I do think his right because once u feel like that it could happen.
    2. I think the author only mention's Saudi funeral because he was family to him & the stood close by him and stocked together and went through pain together.

  37. 1. I think he said that because he felt like each small portion of his body was dying everyday, since he couldn't handle everything and it was so much pressure. He was right because I'd feel too weak to even live at that moment.

    2. I think Ishmael displayed his funeral because that was his close friend, and they were like family.

  38. Yasserlandia VargasJune 15, 2011 at 11:01 AM

    1)I think that Saidu meant that after so much he went through so much pain and sacrificed so many people that brought him sadness and made him blame for their death and pain he felt that those memories and feeling were finaly shutting down after all. Yes, he is right; it must hurt much to see only people die and not survive.
    2)Ishmael share this sad memory with him because he feels he could have done more in the past to keep in the present. The purpose that this served to the book was that even while he is in the effects of drugs he felt pain and sadness for Saidu lost which caused his presence in the funeral.

  39. 1.Is that everyday someone is always dying front of them .So to him he was
    losing hope and know that there no end to the war.
    2.Lsmael mentions this one cause after this he started to lose hope . this was his best friend.

  40. I think Saidu is right because everyday they are living, they see and experience all these horrible things and each time it happens they become less lively and less happier and soon enough there is too much of hatred and violence to handle.

    I think Ishmael mentioned Saidu's death because they were really close to each other and that him and his friends might have been most affected by his death.
