Ishmael Beah

Ishmael Beah

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Chapter 9 - Allies and Enemies

Allies - 1. Ishmael and his friends encounter an old man who helps them heal their wounds and blisters on their feet. Would you help the boys? Would you think that the boys were rebels? Would you do anything different if you were the old man?

Enemies - 2. The village leader decides to confiscate Ishmael's sandals so that he has to walk barefoot throughout the jungle and on the hot sand. Why is this worse then just killing him? What would you do if you were Ishmael?


  1. i think that the old man understands ishmeals and his friend that they're not rebel. i would help them any way i can.

  2. Allies- yes i would most definatly help the boys because if I was helpless I would want some one to help me. I would'nt do it any other way.
    Enemies- its not worse because your still alive even though your feeling pain. I would rap my feet with the large trees in the jungle.

  3. Large tree leevs.

  4. Allies- I would help them for the fact that they were just kids. I wouldnt be sure, rebels would have been properly armed and they most likely look like they were dying.

    Enemies- I think that they thought it would be harsh if they killed kids, so they made them suffer pain instead. If I was Ishmael, i would find a way to make something to protect my feet.

  5. Christy Maria Cassandra HernandezApril 13, 2011 at 5:49 PM

    I wouldve helped the boys the same way the old man helped them, i would give them all good advice to keep on in there journey. What the village leader did was worse than killing them because when youre dead you dont feel any pain, but ishmael had to feel burning sand on his feet.

  6. Allies
    Yes, because they're still kids and want peace to their nation. I would give them food and to stay at my home as long they need to. The boy from rebels I would as them "Are you changing to for good ?" If they say "Yes" I would tell them stories about Sierra Leon Independence and they should remember we just humans and we do errors and no is perfect. If they say "No" i will not enter my house. Yes, because it part of history of Sierra Leon that no can't forget.
    It different that die from a bullet. A bullet is more change from dieing and less change to survive. Dieing barefoot is less change to die and you'll from no eating for x days. If I was Ismael I'd took the casket and maybe they let me go or I'd listen to the rebels then escape.

  7. first of all, the man was young, in the book it said he was about to get married and look around his early 20's. but they did say that he was similar to the old man cause he too wouldn't give then his name.
    1. yes i would help them. Cause if i was in there feet and needed help i wouldn't want to find someone and see me suffering and not do anything about it. i wouldn't feel right, to abandon someone in need.
    2.its worst cause the sand is burning his skill and he's suffering, feeling it burn his foot and not be able to do nothing about it.. :( if i were to be ishmael, i wouldn't care i would walk along the shores to cool of my feet and relax the bad feelings.

  8. 1) i would help the boys. no. no.

    2) he has to suffer through the pain instead of getting away "easy". i would endure the consequences i was given because i had no other choice.

  9. yes i will help the boys because i will feel really bad for them there just little boys and they dont really understand whats going on. well no because like i said there little boys and they're just trying to find there way out of the war and there fighting for there life. i dont really know. because it burns his feet and puts him in alot of pain its also stoping him from travaling because of the pain. i will just go with it, it is better then dying.

  10. Allies- Yes I would help the boys because they don´t look like rebel and they arre not attacking the old man.And no I wouldn´t do anything different.

    Enemies- This is worse then just killing him because ishmael can get sick or infected walking barefoot.And I dont´t know if I were Ishmael.

  11. I would help them if i was old because im would feel safe in my little village. plus im old and i already live my life if worst comes to worst.
    2. its worse because the sand is burring hot and makes ur feet skin peel, i would beg for my sandals back.

  12. Allies- I would help but be careful because anything can happen and just watch my surroundings. They can be anyone and he doesnt know but he's helping them so yea.

    Enemies- Probably because something can creep up bit them without them knowing and feeling it. It can be poisonous and kill them. They can get infection or diease that can spread though their body and died.

  13. Allies - 1. Yes, I would tend to the boys' wounds an I would not think that they were rebels because rebels controlled all the resources already so they wouldn't stay at a hut to wait for their feet to heal.
    Enemies - 2. This was worse than killing Ishmael and his freinds because instead of just getting rid of them so they can be at peace in their death, he tourtured them by making them run bafrefoot in the 110 degree heat. If I was Ishmael i would have found leaves from the palm trees to try and help protect the soles of my feet from the burning sand.

  14. George lioubimovMay 4, 2011 at 3:53 PM

    I would trust them since that would the nicst thing to do and even if they were rebels i could make them hurt

    The leader was trying to slow them down with pain since he thought they were rebels.i think that killing them ,he thought make a diffrence so he took his sandals

  15. i would try to help the boys,i would not think they were rebels and i would not do anything different.
    Its worse because its torture and its more painfull. I would suck it up and run not walk.

  16. I would not trust them. only if i know them sorry im my own man.

    its worse then killing him because his feat are burning like hell trust me i know i felt that theres nothing worse then that i would slit my own throght

  17. Honestly i wouldn't help them because in this type of situation i wouldn't trust anyone at all. instead of helping i would try to help myself first because no one can be trusted.

  18. I think that the old man helped them because he knew the were harmless and also they wasnt rebels. and if i was in the old mans place i would do anything i can do to guide and help them.

  19. 1. I wouldn't think that they were rebels because they had no guns and I would help them. I would do the same.
    2. walking through the hot sand is worst because your feet will burn, and i would have got mad at that man.

  20. alllies -yes causes there are just kids there dont have a gun

    enemies-that it is so wrong to tourtured someone that he would of just die be happy and be free and i will try to put something on his foot

  21. I wouldn't do anything different than what the old man did for the boys.
    It's worse than killing him because it's a form of torture, to teach them a lesson. If I were Ishmeal I would've found something else sutable for my feet.

  22. Allies- 1. I think I would help the boys, i will give them food to eat. i wouldn't think them as a rebels because if they were rebels they would have kill the people in front of every one. if I could do anything different from the old man I would have tell them where they can go and be safe on that place.
    Enemies- 2. When the village leader decides to confiscate Ishmael's sandals so that he has to walk barefoot throughout the jungle and on the hot sand to punish him. I think it worse then just killing him, because when he is going to walk on that hot sand, it will be more pain then just to be killed in a minutes. if I were him i would do what he did to live longer.

  23. i think that the old man understands ishmeals and his friend that they're not rebel. i would help them any way i can.

  24. For allies I would help them becaus they were just kids. I wouldnt be sure, rebels would have been properly armed and they most likely look like they were dying.

    For enemies I think that they thought it would be harsh if they killed kids, so they made them suffer instead. If I was Ishmael i would find a way to make something to protect my feet.

  25. Allies- yes i would help the boys because if I was helpless,I would want some one to help me.
    Enemies- I will still be alive but it is the matter and the way you try

  26. 1. I don't think I would help the boys I would've probably killed them because I'm trying to survive and see the end of this war.

    2. Its worth then death because he's torching him instead of killing because if he did the story would've been over so he took the slippers to make it harder for Ishmeal to travel. If I was Ishmeal I would've probably find a way to get my sandals back.

  27. 1 if i were the old man i will still help them becouse they are to young to be the rebales

    2 becouse that will make him suffer i dont know what to do if i was him

  28. yes i would help the boys. no i will not think that they are from the repals becouse they are just kids if i were the old man i would do the same

    Why is this worse then just killing him? beccouse he will suffer more

  29. 1. Obviously, they were harmed really badly, had no weapons, and looked like they have not been eating too well and seem famished. If anyone that wasn't a rebel saw a rebel, the first thing they would do by taking action is killing them.
    2. Second chances come around a lot in this book, and walking through the hot sand barefoot was one of them. They got a chance to expand their life span and got brought them to a man who healed their feet.

  30. I would help them but if they had any weapons i would disarm them of anything and feed them and i would keep them in their own space.
    Because killing him would be to easy, he wants Ishmael to suffer in pain

  31. I would also try to help the boys because they were along without any adults,and it was the war made them along.

  32. my allies i will help my enemies i will kill

  33. Is was worse because there was so much sand and it was so hot so since they took his sandles, he had to suffer and walk on 10000 degree sand.

  34. I would help them because they are just boys and I know I would want help if I needed it. I think it's worse than them getting killed because the sand is very hot and they'll feel the pain for hours or even longer when killing them would only take a couple of minutes. Walking on that hot sand was like torture.

  35. if they need help. not because they dont have no gun. no.
    because they want they to feel pain. do what they said to do.

  36. If i were in the old man's position, i would do the same thing. whether or not they really were rebel, they were still children in pain.
    Simply taking Ishmael's sandals is worse than killing him because he will experience excruciating pain on the hot sand while he walks away. If i were Ishmael, i would try to avoid the hot sand altogether.

  37. The only reason I would think they were rebels is if they told me they were rebels or if they killed me. So naturally, I would help them.
    2. Because the sand is hot and they get blisters.

  38. I believe that the old man can see that they're not rebels from the looks in their eyes. I'd help them because they were wounded, and even if they tried to kill me they wouldn't be much of a threat because they're wounded.

  39. 1. if i was the old man i would have helped the boy because if i was in that situation i would want someone to help me and well i cant stand someone suffering in pain.
    2. its worse wht the guy did because instead of killing him and have it over with, he made him suffer and feeel pain, and if i was the guy i would have done that to someone i hated or something make them suffer instead of getting it over with

  40. Allies- I would help Ishmael and his friends. I wouldn't assume that they were rebels but I would still not trust them that much. No I would not do anything different.
    Enemies- It's worse than death because sticks are cutting into your skin and then dirt is infecting the wounds on your feet and the hot sand burns the wounds. I would wrap palm leaves around my feet or a steal another person's shoe.

  41. Allies - I would help Ishmael & his friends because unless i see weapons or they would have tired to kill me as soon as they see me i wont assume they rebels but i would keep my eyes open.
    Enemies - walking through hot sand is worst than death because your feeling pain and when your dead you dead you feel no pain. If i were Ismael i would try looking for another persons shoes.

  42. Allies: Of course I'd help them if they're in that much pain, because It'd be terrible to just sit there and see them all suffer.

    Enemies: Taking the shoes is worse than killing because you had burning sand against your feet and it's most likely to give you second degree burns if you don't move fast enough.

  43. Yasserlandia VargasJune 15, 2011 at 12:11 PM

    1)Allies:I would have helped the boy. I would have assume they were rebels because they didn't have any guns to kill. I would have done the same thing the old man did because i don't have any other chance or option to survive or get help and protection.
    2)Enemies:Is worse than just killing him because he is the leader and as any other leader he is supposed to know where to go and why. I would have at least either told him to wrap palm leaves on his feet or Ishmael feet so they both wont have to walk barefoot.
