Ishmael Beah

Ishmael Beah

Monday, April 4, 2011

* Extra Credit *

Make a text - to - self connection from what we have read so far in the book.

- question submitted by Mark


  1. i have felt scared about not knowing where i am before like ishmael when he lost his brother.

  2. I make a text - to - self connection with the book Ishmael said that he don´t see the same confident that people had in the past. I see the same thing just in this case is with more vilonce, drug, and bad things.

  3. In chapter 2 reminds me about some nightmares that I had as little kid. Chapter 3 also reminds about my dad when is he coming to Mexico to do vacations w/us. I'm used to my dad dropping of on the 1st day of school but this year my dad didn't dropping on the 1st day of school. At first I didn't felt sure w/out my dad. Chapter 6 also reminds me that sometimes Squally G is my rival because he acts like jerk sometimes but always.

  4. In the book, when he is isolated from people for a couple of days and feeling weird when he sees people. I know how that feeling is because when i dont see some of my friends from school and I go on brake and dont see them for 9 days, I know how it feels to see them again.

  5. i get scared sometimes when im alone just like ishmael did in the forest

  6. I made a connection with Ihsmael being so hungry he couldn't walk straight. There was once a time when I didn't have anything to eat and I thought I was going to die from hunger, but I was just to lazy to look for food.

  7. i get scared when i'm by myself, that i know fro sure that theres no one out there, that i can only here the echo of my voice when i speak, i panic. ishmael face a similar situation, he was alone in the forest with no one to have a conversation with and not knowing if some wild animal would show up and eat him alive.

  8. I made a connection with Ihsmael when he get really hungry and tired because i felt like i was going too pass out when i did not eat for 3 days

  9. when I am alone and i don't have anything to do I think a lot. The things that I really don't want to think about. it was same as Ishmael, when he was in the forest, he didn't had any one to take or any thing to do that's why his sadness memories come back.

  10. i made a connection with Ishmael in the book with not begin able to stop can rest for a second and always be on the run when i was playing football. i didn't have a lot of time to get a breather and had to keep on going.

  11. I made a connection with Ishmael in the book about the war and people being killed and how sad he was. There was a recent civil war in Ivory Coast and my uncle was killed for no reason and i cried and wonder why would they kill an innocent person like they were killing innocent people in the book.

  12. George lioubimovMay 4, 2011 at 3:48 PM

    I made the connection that however many times ishmael was thrown down of his feet he got right back up and kept going and thats sort of what happens to me

  13. one text to self is when he lost his brother and he was so scary. i felt that when i lost my i felt scary and i didnt know what to do

  14. stephen calderonMay 9, 2011 at 7:03 AM

    ive been scared in my life for many times i have grown up fast just like ishmeal and i think that its hard for him as it was for me

  15. One text to self connection is that in war i have lost a person that is like an uncle to me, and because of himm my friends family was separated. just like the death of the young boy seperated from his family by death

  16. One self connection I have is that our grandmothers are the same and they are generous.

  17. One text to self connection that I can make with myself and Ismael is that I was very afrain wen I got lost in the supermarket. This cnnects to Ishmael's experience in being trapped in the forrest with no other people.
