Ishmael Beah

Ishmael Beah

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Chapter 8 - The Feared Seven

Chapter eight closes with the image of villagers running fearfully from Ishmael and his friends, believing that the seven boys are rebels.
1. How do they overcome these negative assumptions in the villages that begin to associate the boys' appearance with evil?
2. What lessons could world leaders learn from them about overcoming distrust and the importance of judging others individually rather than as stereotypes?


  1. i think that ishmeal should tell the villegers that their are not rebels and they want to help them.

  2. They try to tell them but end up failing. As a result they are capchured and have to prove that they are just boys passing buy.
    The leader would feel bad because they assumed that they were killers.
    I would feel bad if i could not trust eny body and end up with little boys that have nothing to do with the war.

  3. 1.The boys just act normal and ask fo rhelp, once in a while they're lives have to be saved and they are by the cassette tapes.
    2.Never judge someone, for in the end they might be innocent and you would regret it.

  4. Christy Maria Cassandra HernandezApril 13, 2011 at 5:45 PM

    They overcame the negative assumptions by simply being themselves and acting normal, they didnt make themselves seem bad or unusual. World leaders can learn that you not always have to give into what other people are saying, ignoring people is the best way to make them stop.

  5. 1) They can dress as they're from the rebels. They need weapons so they can be easy notice.
    2) The people that are saying bad thing they should go a part of world that is having a war and convince they where wrong.

  6. 1. The seven boys overcome these negative assumption by just showing that they two are running away from the revels, trying to fine a safer place also what always save then are ishmael's caskets.
    2. world leaders could learn that even thou you get your first impression by what other people tell you or for what a person is wearing/ looking, your wrong!. treat the person first, then go into assumptions.

  7. 1) they ignore the people and also stay away from villages if they can.

    2) they could learn not to be so corrupt and judging upfront because that can influence a bad decision on their part if they use stereotypes and past situations or rumors to base their decisions on.

  8. the villagers realized they werejust children running from the war.dont judge a book by it's cover.

  9. 1. I think Ishmael and the six other boys overcome these negative assumptions by simply moving on and following their path of trying to escape.
    2.World leaders can learn that they shouldn't torture people that they think are bad. I understand that some people are very good at disguising themselves but they shouldn't threaten people with death without letting them have a say in anything.

  10. They overcome these negative assumptions in the villages having in mind that they are not evil person and they need to be united to get out of that place.

    The lessons could world leaders learn from them about overcoming distrust and the importance of judging others individually rather than as stereotypes you can´t trust people just for the apearance or anything else.

  11. 1. i think what change the way that they thought about themwas because the boys look small, hungry and unforceful.
    2. that they should base it on what they look like, but wat they done.

  12. I would just ignore them and not let it get to me. They should judge just by stereotypes and just try to get to know them and find out how they like act and whatever.

  13. George lioubimovMay 4, 2011 at 3:50 PM

    They proved by some way they were not bad and leaders should learn that earning trust can be done by puting your trust in the people first

  14. 1.they act like children then the people belive them
    2.dont judge by it cover

  15. i would try to make peace with them and they should get to know the them before judging them.

  16. my name is volakn i did not understand the questionMay 4, 2011 at 5:48 PM

    they some how have to tell them that there not the bad guys

    u can never juje some one by the way they look

  17. in this situation it's realy hard to runaway from this evil assumption unless the people that you are telling believes you which is very unlikely or the people that are really close to you.

  18. swhaquell gaineyMay 5, 2011 at 8:29 PM

    I think if Ishmaeland his friends would send a rumor saying their only kids and their just trying to help. Everyone wouldnt have been so scared.

  19. It was because of a man who know he raps and world leaders can overcome distrust by believing and being secure.

  20. i will change how there think of me and let them get to know me
    i will not let people judge people by justing looking at them and by hearing rumor

  21. 1. The way they overcome these negative assumptions in the villages was, they acted like they were only a child who was only passing by the village to find a safe place to live.
    2.The lessons could world leaders learn from them about overcoming distrust that, first they should have asked who are they, where they came from, why they came here. On that circumstances, people will not trust anyone, but they shouldn't have give them punishment.

  22. stephen calderonMay 9, 2011 at 7:01 AM

    I would just ignore them and not let it get to me. They should judge just by stereotypes and just try to get to know them and find out how they like act and whatever.
    so thats what i think

  23. dont judge people by their cover and if they act like children the people would believe them and they need to overcome trust

  24. I would get to know them in order to trustthem or know how they are.

  25. i think they would change theire clothe and take a shower and act normal

    they will learn to judge abook from the cover

  26. I will show them the good side of me and hide all the negatives.

  27. i think that if they looked good that wasnt going to happen.

    to judge abook from the cover

  28. no matter what the situation is no one should be judging anyone from their sterotypical looks no one deserves to be judge.

  29. 1. They over came these assumptions by being captured even though they didn't want to be. They needed a place to stay, food to eat, water to drink; of course they had to act like children to prove to them they were indeed not rebels.
    2. They could have tried to communicate better by asking them questions. I understand them taking caution at the same time, too. War has started, and who passes by is a very important factor in the war.

  30. I would tell them that we weren't rebels but if they don't want to listen i will understand, i would feel the same way
    World leaders can learn that of one person does something bad or a group of people do something bad you don't blame their religion or race and ethnicity. People are responsible for their own actions

  31. in order to cope with the assumptions that Ishmael is a rebel, he and his friends simply ignore these people saying such things and never stay too long in one town.

  32. I think telling the villagers wouldn't work because they were feared about kids.
    World leaders could possibly learn that stereotypes are not always true. People should trust each other more.

  33. They didn't change anything, they were just being themselves and ignoring what was being said.
    World leaders can realize that sometimes, the best thing to do is to ignore what people are saying about them because sometimes if you give in to it, it could just bring you down or nothing you do will help.

  34. they didnt really have to do much since they didnt have nothing to hide. people see what was happening and they were worried someone was there to ruin what they had left, but one should think twice before they do someonething because one can actually be not one seems and i think that leaders should know there facts better before doing a wrong

  35. These kind of problems always happen & throughout the story people didn't each other probably that's why they assume Ishmael and his friends are rebels. I think they should have told the villagers to clam down and tell them they are not rebels .

  36. They've overcame these assumptions by just ignoring it and focus themselves on finding ways to escape. But depending on which people they are, they shouldn't ignore them, and just help them
