Ishmael Beah

Ishmael Beah

Monday, May 23, 2011

Chapter 16 - First Step to Recovery

In Chapter 16, we learned that Ishmael is struggling with trying to recover because of all of the brainwashing and drugs. Since UNICEF has rescued him, he has beat up civilians and has been seeking vengeance. If you were a rehabilitation doctor for UNICEF, how would you deal with Ishmael? How would you help him?


  1. Well first I would make sure he knows whose in check and don't think he can try to boss me around because hes the child and I'm the adult. But I would to take his mind off of the drugs but it might take some time because he was doing drugs like every 6 hours.

  2. i will get him to know me and ground his confident that way making it easy to treat his terrapin

  3. I would deal with Ishmael patiently and respectfully because I know is not his fall tha he be acting like he do it just the causes of the brainwashing and drugs. I would help him being show him the right things.

  4. if i was the rehabilitation doctor i would make him have a journal, try to express hes feelings, take him to amazing sights, lakes, rivers, oceans try to clear hes mind or make him feel free instead of being closed in and have fear, make him try to move on with hes life and not look back to those horrible memories. i would try to feel hes pain and make him understand im here to help and not betray him.

  5. I will let him come to me because if he doesn't want to have the help he's not going to really get the full regrowth on the rehabilitation

  6. I would do it like any other recovery doctors. i would try to be friends with some of the kid and then spread the word to the other doctors.

  7. If I were a rehabilitation doctor for UNICEF I would deal with Ishmael calmly and take it slow with him because I know what he's been through. I would just be patient and wait for results.
    Just have talks with him and just talk it slow.

  8. I think I would deal with Ishmael's behavior by putting him to sleep and help him relax and tell him, just like his real doctor, that it wasn't his fault he came out to what he was then

  9. i would beat him up so that he would stop messin up
    then i would try to get him to understand why i did this since he was out offf control

  10. I, personally, would try to handle it but eventually he would cross the line and i would kick his ass. After he learned his lesson, i would try my hardest to help him any way i could unless he crossed the line again.

  11. I would not give up on Ishmael because I know that he went through so many hardships that a kid as young as him should not have to go through. He lost his family and friends and was forced to kill many people. He just feels lost and alone. I would just keep trying to get through to him and show him that there are people he can trust and people who care about him.

  12. If I was the doctor from the UNICEF organization assigned to Ishmael I would try to relate to him (his personality) I would do things that he did for fun when he was younger like trying to rap with him. I would try to relate to his personality.

  13. i know that it will be heard for me to deal with someone like that. First they won't listen to me, they will always get bother if I try to talk to them. So first it will be hard to deal with it, then little by little they will they will listen to me but I have to be friendly with them and make them trust me.

  14. I would Probably do anything I could to avoid him, he to me would be just someone that i would have to deal with.

  15. i would not give up on him because he went through alot.

  16. i would not give up on him but i would take sometime of caution to him and if i was a rehabilitation doctor and he hit me i would hit him back.

  17. Mark Anthony BustosJune 14, 2011 at 7:52 AM

    I would give put a vaccine to Ismael. I would asking about his history as a child solder.Ismael & I will be friends. Ismael will be a better person. I want Ismael to be trust again. I want Ismael drug free to enjoy his life.

  18. Yasserlandia VargasJune 15, 2011 at 11:52 AM

    If i was a rehabilitation doctor i would tell Ishmael what would they have had probability done to him and tell him how to change his life. I would help him by telling him different hard situations that different persons have gone through still due and how they got rid of them.
