Ishmael Beah

Ishmael Beah

Monday, May 9, 2011

Chapter 12 - Roles in War

Children play many roles in war. Some are involved in direct combat while some serve
as cooks, spies, and messengers. Do you think any role is less dangerous than others? Why? Why not?


  1. Yes because that minor jobs. As a cook you know what to cook for the military of your country. Spies is easy because no can't see you're working for the other side. Messengers can buy bird to sent the messages to other people.

  2. I think any role in war is dangerous because they are taking out the future from those child, but is hard to identify which one is dangerous in that situation of a war.

  3. I don't understand the question.

  4. I think the role is more dangerous because its not about just your safety because when you start killing it is hard to come back for some because of their rage. But i would like to have a weapon for protection

  5. no they are all in danger of attacks and the rebels can still kill them. even as a solider with training the only difference is that you get high and carry weapons while the civilians don't.

  6. cooks because they dont go out they just cook for everyone.

  7. yes i do think that some roles are less dangerous then others. like i would love to be a cook cause that means i wouldn't have to get kill unless someone stab me with a knife or something and it's around peoples not risking your life. I do think that a spy is a very dangerous work cause they do kill u after they torture you (if they find you)

  8. I think the people who stayed in the village was safer. If it was possible for Rebels to attack the village they already did. people who play in combat they could get kill anytime.

  9. I think that a cook would be better then being dead on in the war.

  10. war is something no one can escape kid or adult

  11. Well, it's hard to say because it depends on the role you play.

  12. I'm not sure that serving as a cook would be that dangerous. But, I feel children being involved in direct combat or being a spie or messenger are all equally dangerous. In direct combat you could be up against someone stronger and bigger than you. Being a messenger is dangerous because you never know who is out there to kill you, or the person you're sending the message to might become upset and kill you. If a spie gets caught, then i'm sure they would get killed by whoever caught them.

  13. No Because avery job they do is most likely one step closer to there death.If they fight they die if they stay they die. What to do what to do.

  14. is less dangerous because you are not fighting

  15. Every role is dangerous to be in because you can still get killed in any situation,
    and the risk is always high.

  16. i think it might be less dangerous because they are using fake weapons, so no one will get hurt.

  17. I think that being a direcctly in the war is less dangerous because at least you have a gun to protect you from getting shot and you can defend yourself.

  18. Well obviously playing a soldier, spy, or messenger is more dangerous than a cook with the threat of death looming over you constantly. But it is also dangerous to play a cook since you are still working for the rebels.

  19. Yes. I think some roles are dangerous than others. Like cooks can poision people food, and messangers can get killed if they deliver a message that was bad. Some children can be part of the rebels group and act like they are someone else.

  20. I think those are dangerous because when you are cooking, you might burn your skin if you don't know how to cook but you are force to do it. When you are spying on an enemy place you should be careful because if they catches you, they might kill you for that. so it more dangerous. Than again when you are bringing massage to people and you might have to stay with them, if they find you are against them they will kill you or punish you for that.

  21. i think that its less dangerous because it's a role play, i mean who can get hurt in a role play. And its not going to be an affection to any one else either.

  22. They are all dangerous jobs because wherever they are in Siera Leonne, they are in danger.

  23. no all the jobs are dangers except cooking one because your life is safe.

  24. i think the cook is the safest since every one needs cooks and even the rebels need good cooks they are a hard to find

  25. every job has its own risks and in think that every job is dangerous in anyway. everyone has a choice. that way it will be fair

  26. well wver job has its own pros or cons we cant change it but i think i would stick to cooking because u serving people and less violence then other roles the only problem is if they attack my area or when we moving to another area we have to be careful

  27. I think that cooking is less dangerous than being a spy and a messenger because being a spy could get you killed by a gun or torture and being a messenger could cause you to send the wrong information to somebody and you can get killed that way.

  28. I think some of the roles while in combat can sometimes be more dangerous then others. For example: a cook dosen't have to defend himself 24/7 like a combat soldier has too. BUT a messenger can be in great danger if he/she gets caught while traveling.

  29. I think cooking because you don't have to stay in the front line of the war unlike a messenger and spy.

  30. i think that cooking is less dangerous because it has nothing to do with guns or any type of weapons.

  31. I think that being a cook is less dangerous than being a spy or messenger. As a cook, all you do is make food and buy groceries; but as a spy or messenger, you go out into he war field, keep your true identty hidden, and stay open to any kind of information. These two roles can cause you to be killed, enslaved, or beaten.

  32. Yasserlandia VargasJune 15, 2011 at 11:20 AM

    1)In a war no one can feel secure for no reason. However, having direct contact with the war such as spies and messengers give you lees probabilities of turning to be a surviver as Ishmael and so many now day.

  33. I dont know really because i dont want to have any part with war. any way you can still die from any jobs. it is hard to be a human after the war

  34. I think that cooking is less dangerous than all other jobs because you don't encounter any rebels unless they were attacking the village where you are staying. The spy and messenger is a more dangerous job. If you were a messenger and you were delivering the information to either the enemy or someone else, the enemy might want to stop you from giving out the information to the other person or if you are giving it to them they might kill you or hurt you. As a spy if you were to get caught you would be automatically killed.
