Ishmael Beah

Ishmael Beah

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Chapter 4 - On the run and finding food

In chapter 4, we read that Ishmael and his friends try to survive the rebel attack while returning to Khililou's home. By using visualization, write about what you think the boys are:

1. seeing
2. smelling
3. hearing
4. feeling
5. tasting

* you must discuss all 5 senses in order to get the credit :)


  1. 1) they are seeing desolate locations and dead bodies and flies and blood and torn homes.
    2) they smell corpes' rotting, flesh burning also palm oil.
    3) nothing but gunshots from rebels and themselves talking to each other.
    4) sad,scared,hungry,hurt,wondering about their families.
    5) raw bananna, orange, coconut, and the food they stole from peoples homes along with the dirt in their mouths.

  2. p.s. FIRST COMMENT!!!!!

  3. Excellent response Isabel - this shows that you were truly paying attention today during the reading. You have used the technique of visualization very well.

  4. Ishmael and his friends try to survive the rebel attack while returning to Khililou's home. And I visualize tha they saw dead bodies all over the place, they hear shots far away, they were feeling not so well (scary),and they eat a banana that taste like a platano.

  5. they see the dead body on the floor as they try to keep the small amount of food in there system. What they had that day was plantain, coconuts, and guava. As they passed by they try not vomit from the smell of bunt flesh and countles bodies that were torchered to the the point of death.What they hear is the still silence of death.

  6. *I think whats the boy are seeing are carkes.
    *What they smelling is the smell of deth body.
    *and they are hearing the shot from the shotgun.
    *I think what they are feeling is sad,hungry,thursty,traumatice,scared,tiger,shockand hurt.
    *what they are taisting is taisless plateins know as banana in africa.

  7. whats up fans is me ishmael and i am going to visid yah in the 6th period ADKoKs

  8. they are seeing dead bodies
    smelling rotten dead bodies
    they're hearing gun shots and foot steps
    they're feeling scared, lonley,nervousand worried also hungry
    they're tasting raw bananna, orange, coconut and cassava and probably their saliva. =(

  9. if i was a lone in a shattered up town full of dead townspeople, i will do anything i can to find food and water

  10. 1) They see the dead bodies around, with flies buzzing back and forth.
    2) They smell the rotting bodies.
    3) They hear gun shots, people running in despair, and babies crying.
    4) They are so shaken with fear that all they can do is watch, and try to get the strength to run. They are also hungry, and tried.
    5) They taste Plantains, orange, cassava, and coconut.

  11. 1). They're are seeing bodies with a bullet or died for a different reason.
    2). They're smell bombs, jets, and bodies that are dead.
    3)They're hearing gun shots, bombs, solders, and jets attacking each other.
    4). They're feeling sad and mad because they don't see their parents.
    5). They're taste their saliva because they didn't eat in days.

  12. they are seeing dead bodies, they are smelling burnt flesh of the dead bodies, they re hearing gun shots,foot steps, people screaming and people brething,they are tasting raw bannana, cassava, oranges and food they stole from peoples houses.

  13. Seeing: dead bodies, blood everywhere and no animals(birds)
    Smelling: Fresh blood and rotten blood from the dead bodies
    Hearing: Silence: No sign Of Nature... Sometimes gunshots, breathing and footsteps
    Feeling: Scared, worried about getting caught and hungry.
    Tasting: Saliva, Blank: they are starving

  14. 1. Dead Bodies.
    2. Nothing well the air is not the same not fresh anymore.
    3. Nothing at all, probably shooting.
    4. Worried and a little scared probably anxious.
    5. There probably hungry and mouth dry.

  15. Christy Maria Cassandra HernandezMarch 23, 2011 at 6:55 PM

    Seeing: Blood, Corpses everywhere & furniture
    Smelling: Dead bodies, smoke, blood.
    Hearing: Nothing
    Feeling: unsafe, Hungry, Scared.
    Tasting: Dry Mouths

  16. 1.They are seeing different villages and dead bodies.
    2.They smell rotting flesh and smoke from the constant gun fire.
    3.They hear screams and cries of men,women and children and they hear gun fire.
    4.They feel sad and scared.
    5.They taste absolutely nothing because they haven't eaten anything.

  17. 1) dead bodies
    2) dry blood
    3) nothing
    4) scared, fear
    5) saliva

  18. 1) i will see dead body
    2)i will smell dead body
    3)i wil hear crying and yelling
    5) i will taste my dry mouth

  19. 1. They seeing the rebels.
    2. They smelling the cassava.
    3. They hear gun shot.
    4. They feel so confused and scared.
    5. They test the cassava.

  20. i see them walking around dead body , bronken trees, and distroy houses.

  21. 1) Dead bodies everywhere
    2) They smell dead carcasses, gun smoke
    3) They don't hear anything, but their feet scrapping against the ground
    4) They feel nervous and scared
    5) They don't taste anything

  22. 1)Death and horror everywhere
    2)He smells blood and gun smoke
    3)He hears the guns sounds
    4)He feels pain (emotional)
    5)He tastes the sourness in his teeth.

  23. 1)they saw blood every where and kids who can't find their moms
    2)they smell dead bodies
    3)they hear people screaming and gun shots
    4)they feel bad and angry and scared at the same time

  24. 1. see: they saw dead bodies were on the ground and no one was on that area.
    2. small: the small of dead bodies.
    3. hear: they hear the gunshot and little bit of when the rebel were talking and passing by.
    4. feel: scared of death, sad and hungry.
    5. taste: cooked banana and coconuts.

  25. 1.seeing-Dead bodies, blood all around, and destroyed homes.
    2. smelling-Rotting bodies and blood.
    3. hearing-Gunshots in the distance, flys buzzing around,and talking.
    4. feeling-Scraed to die, hungry, and worried.
    5. tasting-The food they were anxioulsy waiting to buy:cassava,rice,beans,yams,etc.

  26. they are good and bad good because they help each other and bad because they do not have to rob

  27. 1. Dead bodies, scared and sad people
    2. rotten flesh, blood, smoke
    3. they're own heartbeats, gunshots, explosions, pounding feet
    4. sadness, fear, worry, longing, dirty
    5. coconuts, cooked bannana, sourness/dryness in mouth

  28. They are seeing damaged homes and dead bodies

    They are smelling the rotten corpse of the dead people everywhere in these deserted locations

    They hear gunshots and people screaming for help or their children

    They feel both emotional pain and physical pain

    They taste their dry mouths with out any food t0 eat and water to drink

  29. 1. They saw alot of dead bodies on the ground.
    2. Because the dead bodies odors where so strong, that is all that they could smell.
    3. They could hear alot of gunshots from the distance.
    4. They where very thirsty and hungry. At that point, they where desperate for anything they could get. Also, they where scared and didn't want to die.
    5. They tasted banana's, coconuts, and dryness because they hadn't had anything.

  30. see:saw dead innocent bodies lying around.
    Smell: smell the bad order of the dead bodies.
    Hear: they heard the rebels behind them.
    Feel: they felt scared for there life when they were ought
    taste: nothing

  31. 1-they are seeing deserted places,ruined houses, and dead bodies.
    2-they smell rotting corpses,smoke.
    3-they hear gun shots,and their own voices.
    4-they feel scared,hungry,tired,sad,and worried.
    5-they taste raw bananas,coconut,cassava,and dryness from hunger and thirst.

  32. 1. seeing - a scared bunch of people running for their lives.
    2. smelling - blood, corpses, burnt flesh and fresh gun powder.
    3. hearing - gunshots, yelling and voices.
    4. feeling - scared, hungry, and just in general worried for theirs as well as their families lives.
    5. tasting - raw food, and maybe their own blood.

  33. 1. seeing - The People Running like a crowd of sheep.
    2. smelling- the smell of the fire of gun shots.
    3. hearing- The screams of villagers and gun shots.
    4. feeling- Scared
    5. tasting- The blood in the air.

  34. 1. seeing - Dead bodies
    2. smelling - Fear
    3. hearing - Screams of help
    4. feeling - Scared
    5. tasting - the blood on the floor

  35. i think the boys are seeing dead bodies and destroyed villages,and the bodies are smelling very bad,i also think they are hearing gunshots and people yelling,they probably are tasting the dry blood threw the air,and they feeling very scared and sick cause of what they seen

  36. 1)gun shots being shotted at them,dead bodies everywhere,Blood.
    2)Dead Corpses,Raw blood,burning flesh,grass.
    5)the sweat from running,and the taste of hunger lying in their tounges

  37. 1)they would see dead bodies and homes abanden and blood on the floor.
    2) they smell corpes' rotting and food that had gone bad
    3)gunshots from rebels and themselves talking to each other.
    4) sad,scared,hungry,hurt,trying to stay alive atleast for the moment & worried about their families.
    5)raw bananna, orange, coconut, and the food they stole from peoples homes.

  38. 1)seeing: dead bodies and their blood; cloth burned homes.
    2) smelling: burned homes: blood.
    3) hearing: gun shots; people screaming.
    4)tasting: bad breath.
    5)feeling: lonely; sad; depress; fear; wanderings.

  39. 1) they would see dead bodies and scavengers
    2) they would smell rotting flesh
    3) they would hear the silence of no one being there
    4) they would taste spoiled food
    5) they would feel scared and worried

  40. 1. seeing: A lot of bodys and hurt people.
    2. smelling: Smelling fire and smelling bad things couse of the dirty dead people.
    3. hearing:Ill hear people scremming houses burning and colappsing.
    4. feeling:I feel dirt cause i havent takin a bath.
    5. tasting:ill tast noting just dirty mouth because ill be starving.

  41. 1)They see a bunch of dead bodies at the place and burning houses.
    2)They smell iron from blood, disease flies, and burning flesh.
    3)They heard screaming and shooting.
    4)They taste sweet from there face.
    5)They're feeling like there hearts pumping really fast, felling alerted about there surroundings.

  42. 1. seeing bird circle around the dead bodies.
    2. smelling dead rotting bodies
    3. hearing ghost whispering death in there ear.
    4. feeling sick tired and fatigue
    5. tasting dry saliva

  43. George lioubimovMay 4, 2011 at 3:41 PM

    seeing death
    smelling rotting bodies
    listening to crys of left people
    they feel hopeless
    they taste there dry mouths from there shock

  44. Seeing dead bodies, blood everywhere and no animals birds
    Smelling Fresh blood and rotten blood from the dead bodies
    Hearing Silence: No sign Of Nature Sometimes gunshots, breathing and footsteps
    Feeling Scared, worried about getting caught and hungry.
    Tasting: Saliva, Blank: they are starving

  45. they are seeing desolate locations and dead bodies and flies and blood and torn homes.
    flesh burning also palm oil.
    gunshots from rebels and themselves talking to each other.
    scared,hungry,hurt,wondering about their families.
    coconut, and the food they stole from peoples homes along with the dirt in their mouths.

  46. 1. seeing - Plants, trees, no food, dead bodies.
    2. smelling - stentch of rotten corpses, maybe nothing if they are too traumatized, plants, trees.
    3. hearing - If they are near the ocean, they might hear there waves, people screaming, rebels shooting guns.
    4. feeling - As if they are not able to move on, scared, traumatized, maybe they feel nothing because of the incident.
    5. tasting - dry mouthes due to the lack of water and food.

  47. 1. Seeing: dead bodies, rebels with their gigantic guns
    2. Smelling: decomposing bodies
    3. Hearing: families screaming for help or just that they're in pain.
    4. Feeling: they're probably too nervous to even think of being felt, because they feel they would die
    5. Tasting: nothing, they're not eating.

  48. Seeing:Burned houses,dead bodies
    Smelling:Palm Oil,flesh burning
    Hearing:Gunshots,screams,rebels talking
    Tasting:Dirt,raw fruit,and stolen food
