Ishmael Beah

Ishmael Beah

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Welcome to the English class blog!

Welcome to the English class blog!

Hello class of 2014!

As you already know, we are reading the book A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah. We would like you to blog daily or as the chapters are assigned. You should blog your thoughts, questions, ideas, opinions, and everything and anything you would like to say about the book and it's literary elements (setting, characters, plot, conflict).

It is expected of you to blog daily and to respond to your peer's blogs as well.

Please have fun with this and remember to remain RESPECTFUL!!!

By blogging, you are meeting the English 2 standard for "proper use of technology in the classroom" and "can complete homework assignments". You can receive a P or an HP.

-Mrs. Clemenza, Mr. Canick and Ms. Voros

1 comment:

  1. Maybe connecting to your experience in NYC could help.
